Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

GIS Success

We are members of the CNRS GIS Success (Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique) organised around two of the major CFD codes employed by the Safran group, namely AVBP and Yales 2. No specific technical activity has been devoted around those codes during 2016 to the noticeable exception of the post-processing and the publication of results previously obtained with AVBP [15].


Participants : Mohamed Essadki [PhD student, ECP] , Jonathan Jung [UPPA, Cagire] , Adam Larat [CNRS, ECP] , Milan Peltier [PhD student, ECP] , Vincent Perrier [Inria, Cagire] .

The assessment of the use of a runtime (StarPU) in the context of the recourse to high order method has been at the origin of a joint project called Hodin (High Order DIscontinuous methods with ruNtime) started during CEMRACS 2016. As a first step, a low-order finite volume code has been written using a task driven implementation. This step was necessary to get acquainted with the specficities of StarPU. Then a DG based high order sequel of that FV program running only on CPU's has been developed and will serve as a basis for the progressive adaptation of AeroSol to such a kind of runtime.


Participation in the CNRS-Needs funded action (http://cdmath.jimdo.com) which is aimed at applying mathematics to hydraulic problems. [JJ]